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Reducing Roadblocks to College Access

We value every student’s success.

For higher education to be a pathway open to all, we need to remove the roadblocks that can hinder the pursuit of educational goals.

The high cost of college, systemic inequalities and other difficulties can make college seem out of reach. Through a range of targeted programs, comprehensive support services and a welcoming campus environment, CCBC empowers every student to overcome obstacles and achieve their academic dreams.

Explore the resources and initiatives we have in place to ensure that a quality education is attainable for everyone who seeks it. Together, we can break down the barriers and pave the way to a brighter future.

I wasn't necessarily the greatest student in high school. If it weren't for CCBC and the opportunity to join the Honors Program, I don't know where I would be.

Building bridges from high school to college

Seventy-seven percent (77%) of projected job openings in Maryland require some type of college training or education. CCBC increases access and helps high school students obtain credentials that accelerate their completion of a college degree or industry certification. We position students to succeed in both college and the job market.Through CCBC’s Early College Access Program (ECAP), dual credit program, options for gifted and talented students and more, students can earn and transfer college credits while enrolled in high school at significant savings in tuition costs. Early access to college increases high school graduation rates, ignites students' interest in pursuing a career or college education, and makes attending college more affordable for families.

Innovative tools for student success

CCBC goes beyond access to post-secondary education by assisting students once they are enrolled.

We incorporate innovative strategies designed to meet the unique needs of our students. Strategies such as enhanced advising, increased access to online supplemental education resources, the Honors Program and Academic Pathways are bolstering student persistence and completion.

Foremost in this strategy, CCBC offers ACDV 101, a first-year, one-credit experience course designed to familiarize students with life at CCBC. This class helps foster decision-making skills and learning strategies and is part of the Male Student Success Initiative (MSSI) helping male students of color achieve their educational and career dreams.

Profile photo of Bernard Mkumbuzi

In addition to helping me find a career path, MSSI has helped me in so many other ways ... I've learned to never be afraid to ask for help.

Greater access through scholarships and special initiatives

Skyrocketing academic costs are among the barriers that make it increasingly difficult for students to pursue post-secondary education, particularly with low-income and minority students. Fifty-four percent (54%) of all CCBC students receive some form of financial aid. CCBC awarded more than $36.5 million in scholarships and grants to support to more than 12,700 deserving students during FY22. Student need far exceeds the resources available to support the 50,000 students enrolled at CCBC.

Questions? Contact us!

Ann-Marie Thornton, CFRE

Senior Director, Institutional Advancement