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CCBC and Comcast launch program to drive internet adoption

CCBC and Comcast announced the launch of an innovative Digital Navigator program that will utilize trained students to get more Baltimore-area residents

CCBC and Comcast announced the launch of an innovative Digital Navigator program that will utilize trained students to get more Baltimore-area residents – including CCBC students – connected to the Internet at home, while also teaching digital literacy skills and how to use devices. The program is supported by a $150,000 grant from Comcast that will be used to hire and train nearly a dozen CCBC students.

The CCBC Digital Navigators will focus on addressing barriers households face to getting online – namely affordability, access to devices, and digital skills. Digital Navigators are trained to educate residents – including the thousands of CCBC students returning to campus this fall in need of high-speed Internet for schoolwork and job searches – about resources available to overcome these obstacles.

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