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Giving Opportunities

Give from the heart – to the fund of your choice

There are more than 650 different giving funds to support the students, faculty, staff, facilities and programs at CCBC.

Any amount is appreciated and every donation makes a difference. You can choose unrestricted annual giving, general scholarships, student emergency assistance funds or one of our named or campus-specific opportunities. It all goes to a great place!

Featured opportunities

CCBC Foundation Impact Fund

The Impact Fund provides unrestricted dollars that allow the college the flexibility to address the areas of greatest need. Donations to this fund support academic programs, student scholarships and other institutional priorities.

Laura E. LeMire STEM Scholarship

When Laura E. LeMire was the chair of the Engineering Department at CCBC, she worked tirelessly to help women and minorities enter and succeed in STEM studies and careers. When she passed away in 2017, her family, friends and colleagues created a scholarship fund in her name to continue her work to expand diversity in STEM.


Henrietta Duterte Scholarship

Henrietta Duterte was an abolitionist, philanthropist and activist who used her success as the first female funeral home business owner to fund organizations in the Black community.

As an agent for the Underground Railroad, she would hide enslaved people in coffins and move them through the city, disguised as part of a funeral profession. Today, the scholarship in her name directly supports CCBC students in our Mortuary Science program.

Students Helping Students Fund

When Chris Mason-Hale was a CCBC student running the Video Game Club, he got the idea to use proceeds from gaming event fundraisers to support students in need. The fund gives immediate relief to CCBC students facing food insecurity or who can't meet basic clothing and transportation costs. By students, for students!

Student Emergency Fund

When the unexpected happens, students in need of emergency assistance can find relief from the Student Emergency Fund.

Countless students have been able to stay in their homes, have access to healthy food, pay their bills, get to and from class and much more thanks to generous donations to this fund, which delivers the resources students need to stay focused on school and succeed.

Pave the Way Brick Campaign

You can literally contribute to the foundation of the school by buying a personalized brick to be installed in a walkway or common area on one of our three main campuses.

Questions? Contact us.

CCBC Foundation

Ann-Marie Thornton, CFRE

Senior Director, Institutional Advancement