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Akira Tisdale

CCBC Graduate, Interpreter Preparation, '22

Akira Tisdale, ASL

After taking American Sign Language 101, Akira chose to pursue an associate degree in ASL and Deaf Culture.

Akira Tisdale hadn’t really thought about community college until she found out that she didn’t make it into her top college choice. After talking to a CCBC admissions representative who visited her high school, she learned that CCBC was a more affordable option than other colleges and universities while still offering a wide variety of opportunities to learn and grow.

Akira started at CCBC as a Business Management major, but after taking American Sign Language 101 to fulfill a requirement, she chose to pursue an associate degree in American Sign Language and Deaf Culture. Even though the class was challenging, she ended up enjoying the learning process and the people she got to work with. After earning her ASL degree, she qualified for and entered CCBC’s competitive Interpreter Preparation program.

“I like the diversity that I have experienced in the Interpreter Preparation program,” said Akira.

This program has exposed me to people who are younger than me, older than me, people of different races, and people who can hear, are hard of hearing or are deaf. I have grown to become more aware of others and their unique situations.

In addition to working on her degree, Akira worked on campus and was also a member of the International Club, Student Government Association and represented the college as a member of the CCBC Fresh Faces team. “SGA has taught me how to be a better leader and how to help my peers become student leaders,” she said. “Additionally, SGA has taught me that my voice matters.”

After completing her associate degree in Interpreter Preparation at CCBC, Akira transferred to McDaniel College to earn a bachelor’s degree in American Sign Language and hopes to pursue a master's in Deaf Teacher Education. Her goal is to become a nationally certified ASL interpreter.

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