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Angelina Curreri

CCBC Online Student, Communication

Profile photo of Angelina Curreri

Angelina, a communication and digital media major, finds her niche and herself at CCBC.

Angelina Curreri took a two-year break from school after she graduated high school. “I didn’t go to college because I wasn’t mentally mature enough,” she said. During that time, Curreri decided she wanted to do something good for herself, but still wasn’t up for campus life and the cost of a four-year university. “CCBC was the best option for me and has been great to me,” she adds.

When Curreri enrolled in CCBC in 2022, she worked a minimum-wage job, so finances were tight. The financial aid options at CCBC made it possible for her to manage. “Financial aid covers EVERYTHING so I haven’t had to worry about finances so far!” She said her aid covers everything from classes to books. “If I had to pay for those things, I probably wouldn’t be able to afford to go to college. Thank God for FAFSA!”

Curreri began as a General Studies major to take some classes and see what clicked. Her introduction communications class inspired her because she loved the idea of doing speeches and talking to an audience. “I am a singer and performer, so it came naturally to me! In general, I love communicating with people, especially through social media!”

Though she is still figuring out what she’d like to do in the future, Curreri is interested in becoming a social media marketer or social media content creator.

I was never someone who was “book-smart,” but going to CCBC taught me that if I put in hard work and dedication that anything is possible.

Now a Communication major, Curreri’s fully online schedule gives her the flexibility and convenience she needs. “I’ve never done any in-person classes! It works for me because I have a hard time focusing for long periods so being in a classroom can be overwhelming. It’s nice that I can do it at home and take breaks when need be!” Though online classes can require more self-discipline, Curreri appreciates how easy it is to spend time with the people she loves while doing the things she wants to do. That includes participating in a musical at CCBC Essex. “I love it so much. It feels like I have truly found my people.” Curreri also serves as a CCBC Fresh Faces ambassador.

Being surrounded by like-minded students and performers has made her time at CCBC much more meaningful. “At CCBC, everyone is so kind! It is so important to get involved because you will meet so many amazing people–lifelong friends!” She also said that every teacher has been kind and helpful. “I couldn’t ask for a better faculty!”

The many opportunities Curreri has had at CCBC have helped her find her niche and explore who she is as a person. Her best advice to anyone unsure about attending college is to consider community college. “Not only is it beneficial if you are struggling financially or wanting to save money, but it will help you find out what you like or dislike!” She adds, "CCBC has been very encouraging to me and given me opportunities to do things that I never thought I’d be doing!”

Curreri is still figuring out her future path, but she believes it is important to pursue an associate degree before transferring to a four-year degree. “It’s something I’d like to do, but I am still not 100% sure yet!” She said that CCBC is the smartest idea for her while she explores her options.