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Connor White

CCBC Student, Engineering Technology (Geospatial Applications concentration), '24

Profile photo of Connor White

The CCBC engineering technology major, with a geospatial applications concentration, found a new direction during grief.

When Connor White was a senior in high school, his mother suddenly passed away, and the overwhelming grief prevented him from having the emotional capacity to go through the complicated application process of four-year universities.

While researching colleges, he found that CCBC was the only community college in Maryland that offered courses in Geographic Information Systems, a field he was interested in pursuing. He enrolled in 2022.

“I chose to major in Engineering Technology with a Geospatial Applications concentration because I enjoyed finding a new field I hadn’t heard of that synthesized geography with statistics and data management,” he said.

CCBC allowed me to turn my interests into a legitimate career path.

Another perk for White was that CCBC was very affordable.

“CCBC gave me the freedom to explore different fields of study, without risking mounting debt,” said White. “CCBC gives me far more freedom and flexibility than any of the four-year universities. It has been a great financial decision and choice for the advancement of my career.”

With the majority of his classes online, White has the flexibility to participate in multiple internship programs and build his resume while he pursues his degree.

“The online courses have afforded me the flexibility to get classwork done during my strenuous schedule,” he said. “They allow me to study without the stress of orienting my schedule solely around school and an expensive and time-consuming commute.”

White believes that the education he is receiving at CCBC is top notch, and he credits much of this to his professors.

“I love my professors,” he said. “They have given me the tools to succeed and have been willing to invest time in my personal growth and academic interests. On multiple occasions, my professors have met with me for hours ahead of class time to sit down and work with me one on one.”

White’s goal is to transfer to a local four-year university and eventually achieve a master’s degree in Geographic Information Systems. He would like to work at a civil engineering firm or government agency in the GIS field.