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Leah Howard

CCBC Alumna, Fine Arts

Profile photo of Leah Howard

Leah, a fine arts major and fashion designer, began her CCBC education in high school thanks to the Early College Access Program.

Leah Howard enrolled at CCBC in 2020 as a homeschooled high school student. As part of CCBC’s dual enrollment program, she graduated high school with 30 college credits.

“I believe dual enrollment has moved my educational journey along so I can focus on my future goals sooner,” said Howard, who received the Francis X. Kelly Endowment – Early College Access Program scholarship at CCBC, which covers half of her tuition.

In addition to being a full-time high school/college student, Howard is CEO of Adaptive Style, a company that designs and makes clothing for people with physical disabilities, and she also runs her own photography business, Leah Faith Photography. For the Fine Arts major, a flexible schedule is a must.

“I appreciate online courses and the flexibility CCBC gives,” said Howard. “I can work from anywhere, and I can study from home, when I am traveling or at the gym. It has given me time for work, family and other activities in my busy lifestyle.”

Howard chose Fine Arts because it allowed her to develop her interests in photography, graphic design and writing, which go hand-in-hand with her love of fashion design. At CCBC, she served as co-president of the Photo Club.

“What I like best about CCBC is its student life,” said Howard.

The clubs, events, staff, programs and overall atmosphere really make CCBC feel like a community.

"It is important to get involved and know your school. There are lessons outside of the classroom that stay with you throughout your life.”

Howard wanted to become a Fresh Face to advocate for the dual enrollment side of CCBC.

“Doing dual enrollment was a life-changing decision, and it was worth it,” she said. “I want to show CCBC students and others that dual enrollment is a great path.”

Howard recently transferred to Liberty University as an Art and Design major. She continues to build her fashion and photography businesses.