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Prae Pedran Borg

CCBC Student, Nursing, '25

Profile photo of Prae Pedran Borg

Prae chose the CCBC Nursing program, a Top 10 program in Maryland, for its reputation and convenience.

As a stay-at-home mom during the pandemic, Prae Pedran Borg finally decided to pursue one of her passions.

“I always dreamed of becoming a healthcare worker but never had enough courage to do it,” said Borg, who is from Thailand. “When COVID happened, I thought I would give it a shot. I chose Nursing because I want to be able to help people, to care for them.”

While researching programs, Borg found that CCBC has one of the top 10 Nursing programs in Maryland, and CCBC Essex, where she takes all of her classes, is convenient to where she lives. So, in 2021, she enrolled in CCBC.

Being part of a single-income family, Borg said that cost also influenced her decision to attend CCBC.

CCBC has lots of scholarships and grants to offer to students.

“During 2021 and 2022, I received generous amounts of COVID grants for students impacted by the pandemic,” she said. “It helped me tremendously with childcare and textbooks. If it weren’t for grants that I received, I would not have been able to attend college.”

Borg appreciates the flexibility of CCBC, and she took her prerequisites in hybrid, online and in-person classes. She is in an evening and weekend program that allows her to care for her children during the day and create a work-life balance for her and her family.

She plans to join CCBC’s Associate to Bachelor’s (ATB) program to obtain her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in conjunction with a four-year university. She would like to gain some experience working in nursing and eventually pursue an advanced degree.

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