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Sasha-Rae Mohead

CCBC Student, Health Informatics and Information Technology (HIIT)

Profile photo of Sasha-Rae Mohead

Mohead chose CCBC’s online Health Informatics and IT degree program to deepen her knowledge and opportunities in health care.

“Cost played a major factor in my decision,” said Mohead, who started classes at CCBC Essex in 2016. “CCBC is extremely affordable, and staff is always willing to help students with resources they need, like grants for books.”

CCBC was convenient for Mohead, because she could take online classes, which help her better prioritize her time between working, family time and “me” time.

Online classes require more discipline and dedication, but I love the flexibility and independence,” she said.

Mohead chose to major in Health Informatics and Information Technology (HIIT) because she works in the health profession and was interested in learning more.

“The Informatics side of the health care field is on the rise,” she said. “It’s extremely interesting to understand the different codes and treatment plans behind certain diagnoses. The best part of HIIT is learning and understanding how the body functions.” Mohead said the quality of education she has received at CCBC has been exceptional.

The CCBC faculty is amazing, especially my advisor -- she’s always there when I need her, and she is so patient.

As one of CCBC’s Fresh Faces student ambassadors, Mohead had the opportunity to represent CCBC, meet new people and inspire others to succeed.

“My associate degree will be a part of my story that I will tell my son,” she said. “It doesn’t matter where you start, it’s more about where you end.”

After graduating from CCBC, Mohead hopes to transfer to a four-year university to earn her bachelor’s and master’s degrees and become a senior analyst in the HIIT field.