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Kayla Clarke

CCBC Student, General Studies (Pre-Nursing), ‘25

Profile photo of Kayla Clarke

Kayla, a general studies major, plans to pursue her nursing education through CCBC’s cost-saving Associate-to-Bachelor’s program.

Kayla Clarke started taking classes at CCBC through the Early College Access Program in 2018 while she was a junior at Randallstown High School, and she soon found college life suited her.

“I used the CCBC shuttle to get to campus, I built friendships, joined clubs and participated in campus events and activities,” said Clarke, a General Studies major who plans to apply to CCBC’s Nursing program. “I remember finally feeling like I belonged.”

Clarke said CCBC staff and students were very welcoming, and she found comfort in being around like-minded students her age with similar goals. She felt comfortable with the smaller class sizes and student to professor ratios and liked the fact that her professors took the time to get to know her.

The quality of education here at CCBC holds just as much weight as any four-year university.

After graduating from high school, she opted to continue her studies at CCBC, not only because of the quality education, but because of the affordability. She has received the Maryland College Promise scholarship, a Senatorial scholarship and Pell Grant funds, which have allowed her to attend CCBC for free.

Clarke works in the medical field, and CCBC’s online and evening courses are convenient for her schedule.

“CCBC’s variety of course options allow me to tackle all my goals at once,” she said.

Clarke plans to apply to CCBC’s Associate to Bachelor’s (ATB) Nursing Degree program, which will enable her to earn both her associate and bachelor’s degrees.

In addition to being one of CCBC’s Fresh Faces student ambassadors, Clarke is a member of the International Club and the American Sign Language Club. As part of the Student Life Leadership Program, she is also a Student Ambassador and a member of the Student Life Programming Board.

“Getting involved at CCBC really keeps the community together throughout the campus,” said Clarke. “Being a part of any organization, participating in any school event or wanting to host an activity of your own spreads spirit. After all, life is what you make it, and you will get what you put into it.”

After earning her ASN from the CCBC Nursing program, Clarke would like to transfer to Stevenson University to complete her BSN.