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Shila Marshall

CCBC Graduate, Psychology, ’22

Profile photo of Shila Marshall

Shila, a Baltimore County College Promise Scholarship recipient, majored in psychology at CCBC and transferred to Towson University.

When Iyona Anderson enrolled in CCBC's continuing education program, she was looking for a job and a second chance. Now she is on her way to earning her associate degree and an exciting career in the sciences.

Fresh out of high school and in the middle of the pandemic in 2020, Shila Marshall made the decision to enroll at CCBC. “I believed CCBC would be a great choice during a time of uncertainty,” she said.

CCBC was close to home, affordable and a place where I could get a good education that would prepare me for transfer.

Marshall was awarded the Baltimore County College Promise Scholarship, which has covered all of her tuition and fees. She also received a scholarship after applying through CCBC’s Academic Works, which she uses for textbooks and other expenses.

“I am grateful for both of these scholarships because they have allowed me to continue my educational journey without having to stress about the costs,” said Marshall, who is a Psychology major.

She chose Psychology because she wants to go into a profession that helps people, and it would be helpful to have a better understanding of human behavior and the mind. Marshall is impressed by the level of expertise, knowledge and experience demonstrated by her professors.

“The psychology professors are very passionate about their field and have a wealth of knowledge that they carry with them, which often leads to great discussions in the classroom,” she said. “I believe that the faculty at CCBC are dedicated to seeing students succeed. They are always there to answer questions and connect you with resources if needed.”

In addition to being one of CCBC’s Fresh Faces, Marshall has been involved in the Mellon Scholars Program and is a member of the CCBC’s Honors Program and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.

The thing Marshall likes best about CCBC is the diversity of the student body.

“At CCBC, there is no need to ‘fit in’ because each student is at a different stage in life and in their educational journey,” she said. “The great thing about this is that CCBC students understand and appreciate these differences. Regardless of college experience, age, and other factors, we view each other as students first. This ultimately makes CCBC different from the rest.”

After graduating with her associate degree from CCBC in 2022, Marshall transferred to Towson University to complete her bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She hopes to work in a profession where she can make a positive impact on someone else’s life.