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Sarah Beth Metzger

CCBC Student, Early College Access Program (ECAP), '24

Profile photo of Sarah Beth Metzger

Sarah Beth, an Early College Access Program and online student, got a tuition-free headstart on her college credits in high school.

Sarah Beth Metzger decided to come to CCBC Dundalk because of the Baltimore County Public School dual credit program, which allowed her to study as an Early College Access Program (ECAP) student. She said, “I wanted to get ahead of my classes and progress forward as much as I could.”

The benefit of attending college tuition-free was a big draw for Metzger. The BCPS Tuition-Free program is a partnership between Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) and the Community College of Baltimore County that allows all BCPS students to take college courses at no cost. She recommends community college as “a smart decision for those looking to save money and transfer or those simply looking for work certification programs!”

She also knew CCBC would help her get into transferring colleges, raise her GPA and gain life skills while finishing her high school degree.

I plan to transfer to a four-year program in order to receive my Bachelor’s in English Literature! I want to write and create poetry like some of the famous authors I look up to.

As an online student, Metzger has been impressed with the quality of instruction and how prepared and passionate her professors are. “My online classes have engaging discussions and creative assignments,” she said. “I feel that I’m getting a fantastic education from excellent professors while maintaining my busy schedule.”

Metzger believes it is important to be involved and to pursue passions outside of the classroom because it adds to the experience and level of passion for your education. In addition to being part of the ECAP program, Metzger is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society and CCBC Fresh Faces 2024. “Having school spirit and pride is important to keep our school a community,” she said. “I recommend CCBC to anyone considering it because it really does cater to individual student needs.”

Metzger likes how CCBC cares for the community as a whole and always looks out for students' emotional, financial, physical and intellectual health! “I love the way CCBC makes student wellness a priority,” she said.

Her ultimate goal is to receive her associate degree before transferring to a four-year institution. She said, “I believe this goal will provide me with so many opportunities for success while maintaining a career and education simultaneously.”