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Shannon Hughes

CCBC Alumna, Construction Management Certificate, '23

Profile photo of Shannon Hughes

Shannon, an electrician, earned a CCBC workforce training Construction Management Certificate to advance her career goals.

A master electrician, Shannon Hughes worked in the field for 13 years. But because of COVID-19, she was furloughed and eventually let go from her job.

She decided to enroll in fall classes at CCBC, but she was still trying to figure out how to pay for it all when she heard about CCBC’s free tuition incentive from a friend who shared it on social media.

Hughes immediately called the number and learned that she qualified. She was excited to start her first semester at CCBC, studying Construction Management at the Catonsville campus. And because she had participated in a five-year apprenticeship program with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 24, much of her real-world experience translated into transfer credits at CCBC.

“This was a great opportunity for me to attend CCBC and earn my degree tuition-free,” said Hughes.

Because of money and timing, I was always putting off going back to school. I was putting everyone and everything ahead of myself. Now is the time for me.

After graduating high school in 1999, Hughes enlisted in the military. She soon realized that career was not for her and later found her calling in the trades.

“Going to college has been a life goal of mine,” she said. “2020 had been chaotic, and I looked at this as an opportunity to better myself. Instead of hopping on the bandwagon and complaining about all the bad things that were going on, I wanted to take this opportunity to rise above.”

Hughes said that with the unemployment situation in Maryland having so many issues, it had been tough to pay her bills. But she had a great support system and knew things would turn out ok.

“Without the burden on me of having to figure out how to pay tuition, I could mentally prepare myself to go back to school,” said Hughes. “I was so excited and a little nervous. But not having to worry about money made things so much easier.”

“I am really grateful that this opportunity came up with CCBC,” she added. “This is more than a beacon of hope. This is an opportunity for people to get started on whatever their purpose is in life. I am entering into this journey with gratitude.”

Hughes successfully completed her certificate program in 2023.